Silence in mountains

Muhammad Writes
3 min readNov 26, 2023


Amidst the majesty of ancient peaks,
Where the mighty mountains stand,
A symphony of silence unfolds,
In a vast and uncharted land.

The stillness echoes through the valleys,
A whispered tale of eons past,
Each crag and cliff a witness,
To the secrets that forever last.

Photo by Samuel Ferrara on Unsplash

No roar of engines, no urban hum,
Just the breath of the mountain air,
An untold story etched in stone,
A tranquility beyond compare.

Snow-capped peaks touch the heavens,
Their summits lost in cloud-kissed heights,
Guardians of a timeless realm,
Where silence reigns in silent nights.

The hush of snowflakes gently falling,
Blanketing the world in pristine white,
A quietude that speaks volumes,
In the soft glow of lunar light.

The wind, a subtle mountain minstrel,
Whispers through the rugged pines,
Nature's lullaby to the earth,
In melodies that forever intertwine.

